Thank you for your continued support of Heritage Christian School. We appreciate you and would like to provide an update on a very exciting project we've been working on, as well as share an important school financial need with you.
Outdoor Learning Space Update
We are once again grateful for the generosity of Camber Construction, Rosepark Landscaping, Home Hardware Building Centre, MVW, WM Van Halteren Construction, W. D. Jackett & Sons Construction and our anonymous donor for making this vision come to life. We look forward to the final finishing touches and landscaping that is scheduled to be finished in the coming months. The students and teachers have been utilizing and enjoying this space immensely. Plans are also well under way to provide updates to our gymnasium and we look forward to those updates taking place in the 2024-2025 school year.
Laurie Jolicoeur
Public Relations/Donor Manager
159 Colborne Street West
Lindsay, Ontario K9V 5Z8
705-324-8363 office
*HCS is a registered charity with Revenue Canada. Income tax receipts are issued by the Christian School Foundation
Financial Update
After adhering to a tight budget this year, and with the help of many generous donors like yourself, we have shaved a significant amount off of our projected deficit. This year for our summer appeal, we are rallying the community together to raise $50,000 to aid in covering the rest. We need to fulfill this goal by August 31st, 2024. It would be incredible if we were able to start the school year without needing to pay off last year’s deficit. We know our community can come together and meet this need! If you are able to contribute to the above need financially, please mark General Donation on your givings. Donations can be made via cash, cheque or E-transfers to (make password heritage, all lowercase)